Camping with Dogs: 5 Tips for Bringing Along a Furry Friend

We love our dogs like family, so of course we want to bring them with us when we go camping. But a dog can mean added stress to what's meant to be a relaxing experience.

A little extra preparation will lead to an enjoyable camping experience for both humans and our furry friends. 

1) Bring two leashes.

Your dog loves to run around in the woods. Unfortunately, many campgrounds and hiking trails require dogs to be leashed. All U.S. National Forests require that pets be kept on a leash no longer than six-feet while exploring developed recreation areas and interpretive trails. 

Your regular length leash should be perfect for keeping your dog close on the trail. But an additional, longer long leash can be great for the campground, allowing your dog the freedom to roam without running off. 

2) Take extra precautions for hiking.

Be sure their vaccinations are up-to-date and remember their flea and tick control. Your dog should also have up-to-date identification tags. Getting separated from your dog on a hike can be a scary situation, but if they're wearing identification, you'll have some peace of mind. 

If you're tackling rocky terrain, or if the ground could be hot on their paws, bring booties for your pooch so they can enjoy the hike as much as you do. 

3) Use an adventure blanket to keep your car and tent clean.

Belmont Blankets are waterproof on one side with plush fleece on the other, making them durable enough for even the muddiest dog. If you have one for yourself and one for your dog, you can prevent your car and tent from getting covered with dog hair -- or whatever they might track in. 

4) Always carry drinking water for your dog. 

Even if you aren't venturing far, it's important to bring enough water for you and your dog. Our canine friends don't have the luxury of sweating like we do, so it's especially important for them to hydrate when it's hot or they're working hard. 

5) Make sure the campground allows dogs.

Campgrounds can be paradise for you and your dog. But only if they're allowed. Research your campground before you arrive and make sure it's dog-friendly. 

Follow these tips and you and your dog will be an unstoppable camping team. 


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